Doctors office

Infúziós központ Szeged surgery center

Doctor's office

Ear, Nose, Throat and Audiology Private Outpatient Clinic

Doctor in attendance:

Dr. med. habil. Zoltán Vass, PhD in Medical Science, Ear, Nose and Throat, as well as Audiology Specialist.

Visiting Associate Professor. Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, USA.









, ,

fül vizsgálat fül mikroszkóp fülészet fülfolyás Szeged


6724 Szeged Kálvária tér 16-

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hours: Monday, Wednesday 5-7 PM.

APPOINTMENT: +36-70-635 5576, +36-20-397 4144



In case of an emergency, call +36 20-397 4144



In our Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) clinic, we have the most advanced equipment available.
Adult and pediatric ear, nose, and throat examinations and treatments.





Ffúl orr gégészeti vizsgálat hallásvizsgálatollowing a careful and thorough medical history, a microscopic ear examination is performed in all cases. Through the video chain connected to the otoscopic microscope, both the patient and the accompanying individuals can monitor the progress of the ear examination on multiple screens.

The condition and treatment of the eardrum and middle ear, as well as the process of healing, become visible through the microscope, allowing us to witness the improvement of our ears and eyes. Inflammatory and fungal diseases of the ear canal, ear injuries, and foreign bodies can be effectively monitored through microscopic examination.

The microscopic image presents us with perforations in the eardrum, ear infections, various types of middle ear infections, and complications of the ear. It is a remarkable experience to witness the healing of ear diseases and the subsequent gleaming of the healed, healthy pearly eardrum. The ear examination is performed without pain and causes no discomfort to our patients




In our audiology clinic, hearing examinations provide the opportunity for accurate diagnosis of hearing, hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, and ear ringing, as well as to explore the underlying causes of hearing problems. In a soundproofed silent chamber, our instruments allow us to obtain a precise picture of pure-tone threshold audiometry, eardrum elasticity, the conducting capacity of the ossicular chain, and middle ear ventilation (Multi-frequency tympanogram).
In our otolaryngology clinic, we are prepared to conduct hearing examinations and provide treatment for both children and adults. Our examinations are painless and cause no discomfort. With a precise diagnosis in mind, we develop the most appropriate treatment strategy. In many cases, hearing screenings reveal hidden diseases, which is why the significance of hearing screening is particularly emphasized in our clinic. Prompt recognition of the causes of hearing loss is fundamentally important because in most cases, we can restore hearing and prevent further hearing impairment. Our clinic places special emphasis on investigating.


audiológa hallásvizsgálat, fül orr gégészet

We have all the necessary facilities for the examination of the nose and throat at our clinic. In addition to direct nasal and throat examinations, if necessary, we can complement the examination with one of the most advanced diagnostic procedures, namely nasal endoscopy and laryngeal endoscopy. With nasal endoscopy and laryngeal endoscopy performed with the gentlest anesthesia, even the smallest abnormalities can be detected, and the presence or, ideally, absence of cancerous diseases can be confirmed. Investigating and treating sinus and nasal breathing problems are among the most common issues that patients come to us with. Our clinic is equipped for the analysis of examinations performed with X-rays and computer tomography (CT).
During the evaluation of the examination findings, the final diagnosis and treatment strategy are established with the cooperative participation of the patient. Through careful examination, various issues can come to light (such as snoring diagnosis and treatment, reflux disease) that the patient may not even consider. Often, the underlying cause of symptoms such as swallowing difficulties, throat irritation, sneezing, or nasal congestion remains hidden, even though serious illnesses can often be the root cause of these symptoms.
Our clinic places special emphasis on excluding head and neck tumors and conducting cancer screenings. Therefore, for every patient during the examination of the ear, nose, throat, and neck, the examination criteria for tumors are always present.
In the treatment and healing of diseases, our guiding principle is to identify the cause and eliminate it. In most cases, we can achieve maximum effectiveness with minimal medication. Often, it is necessary to make lifestyle changes, and our clinic is ready to provide Lifestyle Counseling for this purpose.
Our clinic is also prepared to perform minor outpatient interventions. This is particularly important nowadays when hospitals are unable to cope at all levels due to the burden caused by the coronavirus. Our clinic has a close collaboration with the Revitalcare Infusion Hydration Center, where we can complement healing with infusion treatments and offer preventive infusion therapies in many cases.

 Találatok: 64145


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